BOMBSHELL: Sam Bankman-Fried's MOTHER Barbara Fried Founded + Ran Two Massive Democrat Vote Harvesting Operations, Sent 15 Million Partially Completed Ballots to Swing State Voters
Sam Bankman-Fried is the #2 Political Donor to Democrat Candidates this Century (behind George Soros). NO ONE is Making the Connection to his Leftist Mom Barbara Fried's Illegal Ballot Harvesting Ops
Meet Sam Bankman-Fried’s Mom:
Barbara Fried
Right from the jump, you’ll notice that even Barbara Fried’s own husband thinks Barbara Fried is an evil bitch.
Barbara Fried’s married name should either be ‘Barbara Bankman’ or the hyphenated ‘Barbara Bankman-Fried’.
The latter choice is my personal preference. After all, it was her evil demon uterus that spawned those two notorious money stealing criminals named Sam and Gabe.
Everyone needs to start calling her Barbara Bankman-Fried.
Then maybe people will finally start making the connection between Sam Bankman-Fried and his own mother.
There’s a giant giraffe in the room and no one sees it.
The co-founder and operator of two nationwide, controversial and definitely ILLEGAL leftist super PAC and “sister organizations” is none other than Sam Bankman-Fried's MOTHER!
Barbara Fried broke IRS and election laws while sending millions of partially filled ballots to harvest votes and steal elections in the United States in 2020 and 2022.
Public records show that Barbara Bankman-Fried is the co-founder and primary operator of TWO notorious ballot harvesting “sister organizations”, which have strong connections to the Clinton and Obama Administrations, John Podesta, former Clinton Administration staffer Page Gardiner and former Nevada Senator Harry Reid.
Vox hax published a feature story on Barbara Bankman-Fried’s dark money group of election stealing criminals back in January 2020.
“A secretive group led by Stanford University academics has unleashed millions of dollars in political spending from Silicon Valley and is now convincing some of its biggest donors to spend millions more to back Democrats in 2020.”
“Mind the Gap, a network formed less than two years ago, has been quietly routing millions of dollars to Democratic candidates and groups across the country in the 2018 and 2020 election cycles, emerging as a new power center in the Silicon Valley political scene.”
“It’s just that so far, it has avoided public detection.”
“Mind the Gap, whose efforts haven’t previously been reported, has recently petitioned some donors for at least $100,000 to support its efforts.”
Backers include people like Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, San Francisco power broker Ron Conway, and a coterie of major Democratic donors from across Silicon Valley, including fundraiser Amy Rao.”
Now here’s where at gets fascinating.
Especially when you consider that Sam Bankman-Fried donated over $100 million to Democrat causes and candidates during the recent 2021-2022 election cycle (making him the second highest political donor to Democrats behind George Soros), and had a “soft ceiling” of $1 billion for political donations to Democrats in 2023-2024.
Vox reports there are three main culprits behind this leftist, seditious, shadowy and traitorous election stealing Mind The Gap PAC:
“What is also unusual is that Mind the Gap is led not by highly experienced political hands, but by academics with no professional backgrounds as fundraisers.”
“The group’s leaders are a pair of Stanford law professors: Barbara Fried, who has no apparent campaign experience, and Paul Brest, the former president of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.”
“Graham Gottlieb, a Stanford fellow who served in junior roles for former President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign and in his White House, is its executive director.”
On Episode #38 of ‘The Teddy Brosevelt Show’, I mentioned two links on Citizen Free Press, linking to this Capital Research Center article:
“The Voter Participation Center: A Tax-exempt Turnout Machine for Democrats”
But those two headlines - “Mind the Cap | Democrat turnout machine caught lying to the IRS” and “Leftist Super PAC is breaking the law” - link to an article from July 22, 2022.
No one in November 2022 is mentioning SBF’s election-stealing criminal MOM.
How is Barbara Bankman Fried breaking the law by mailing 15 million partially completed ballots to steal our elections?
IRS laws state:
“The IRS permits 501(c)(3) nonprofits to conduct nonpartisan voter registration drives, but not registration drives that have the effect of favoring one party over another.”
Barbara Bankman-Fried and the Center for Voter information and Voter Participation Center (VPC):
Barbara is a founder of the Center for Voter Information and other get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizations
The Center for Voter information was “founded to provide resources and tools to help voting-eligible citizens register and vote in upcoming elections.”
Barbara’s organization works closely with their nonpartisan and charitable “sister” organization the Voter Participation Center (VPC).
Influence Watch reports that after mail-in voting was ushered in due to Covid-19 in 2020, these two organizations “sent out millions of mailers to battleground states, resulting in 939,000 registration applications and 2 million vote-by-mail applications.
By the end of the 2020 election cycle, they had sent ballot applications to 15 million people in swing states - nearly one-third of which were returned.”
Influence Watch also notes that these organizations, “were widely criticized for mailing out partially pre-filled absentee ballots and voter registration forms in multiple states.”
Gotta call it a night folks. Been sleep-deprived for the past two weeks, working around the clock the past two days, and just caught a ton of typos after reading through the first version. Hopefully you are reading the cleaned-up second version.
Fresh new content is coming your way between now and Friday at 11:58 pm - including a new podcast episode and the 2022 Qatar World Cup Fan Guide.
Qhich now has a very real and rapidly approaching deadline of 46 hours and 22 minutes.
Spread the word about Sam and his mom Barbara Bankman-Fried. She’s the woman wearing a wig in the photo below.

At some point, the American people need to understand that we rare at the end of our Republic..... for the DemonCRATS have completely undermined nearly every cultural institution and center of power through nefarious means and with evil intent. Secession is the answer.
I hope people become aware that FTX was probably one of, if not THE largest Ponzi schemes ever! Kevin McCarthy (R) used money from it which was advised by Mitch McConnell the RINO to take down competition against him in the primaries. So McCarthy used illegal funds to get rid of fellow Republicans simply because he thought they might vote against him for Speaker of The House. The Republicans have got only a 5 vote majority in the House now and they could have had Madison Cawthorn who would have won but McCarthy dumped $2Million and a couple of salacious stories and Cawthorn lost. Cawthorn was smart and honest did what he sthought was right and Trump backed him so he had to go. This was done to many others so the majority ended up being by only 5 votes.